Omaha Beach Original supports Thank-a-Vet since 2019
OBO has provided financial support to the Thank-a-Vet association for several years.
About Thank-a-Vet :
Thank-A-Vet is a non-profit organization based in Philadelphia USA.
Thank-A-Vet delivers goods directly to Veterans and their Families in the spirit of gratitude.
Since 2018 Thank-A-Vet has delivered, among other things :
11 000 pairs of Brand New Socks
40 000 Thank You Cards
25 000 wheelchairs / scooters
5 500 Coats
Thank-A-Vet has also created several coffee clubs. These are warm places where veterans can get together for coffee and have a good time. These Veteran coffee clubs promote camaraderie and fight loneliness. This initiative is also a concrete way to combat the US crisis of veterans’ suicides.

Message from Shannon Drake to Omaha Beach Original, December 2021
Thank you for the donation to Thank-A-Vet. We recently raised and distributed over 2,000 pairs of socks in the Philadelphia area for ‘ Sock Em 2021’. We are working towards delivering 50 pairs in western Washington next week.
We have 2 Veteran Coffee Clubs that have maintained throughout the entirety of the pandemic and held an online Veteran Coffee Club for 7 months which averaged 10 Veterans every week.
This pandemic has been extremely rough on us. We have lost many Veterans in the last 2 years.
We did lose a very active member of Thank-A-Vet. The isolation of working at home on top of the traumas of his four tours of Iraq/ Afghanistan were beyond… This really made us stop and re-evaluate our program.
We have received many signs and decided to push on ! We will continue to move forward and will build an even stronger program ! Thank you for your continued support.
Thank you,
President of the Association Thank-A-Vet
Sock Em 2021

Message from Shannon Drake, January 13 – 2023
We do have many coffee clubs running on the east coast and are connecting with the American Legion about Veteran Coffee Club.
This is a news clip related to a party we were involved with during Christmas time to assist Veterans getting coats
Shannon Drake
Omaha Beach Original has made two donations in 2024 to two associations that are particularly committed to Veterans : Veterans Association of Bristol County & Wounded Warriors Family Support

About Veterans Association of Bristol County
“It is our mission and great honor to serve all who have served or are still serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. It is our responsibility to collaborate with our community partners to provide meaningful and compassionate support to all of our military veterans and their families to foster healing and growth and promote their thriving in the community during and after active duty.
Our Roots
The Veterans Association of Bristol County was founded by veterans in September of 1987 to serve the Veterans of the Vietnam war living in Bristol County, MA. It was primarily intended to help veterans process paperwork to receive their VA benefits and provide counseling when needed.”
More information : https://thevabc.org/

About Wounded Warriors Family Support
“Organization Mission – Wounded Warriors Family Support provides support to the families of those who have been wounded, injured or killed during combat operations. The families of our casualties suffer in many ways: some financially, some psychologically. Wounded Warriors Family Support improves the quality of life of our military families through programs like caregiver respite, family retreats, mobility-equipped vehicles, job training, combat-wounded parking signs, and assistance with unmet needs.”
More information : https://wwfs.org/
This year, Omaha Beach Original has decided to make a donation to the Gary Sinise Foundation.

The money donated by OBO will help support Severely Wounded Heroes.
OBO has been following the Gary Sinise Foundation on social networks for years. Our Normandy-based brand is well aware of Gary Sinise’s personal commitment to Veterans. We’re very proud to be able to participate in his program to help Veterans.