Barry Smith was a Combat Engineer Platoon Leader ’67-’68 in the 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg. Deployed to Vietnam in April, ’68 he was a Platoon Leader in the Combat Engineer Battalion supporting the Americal Division south of Da Nang. He led the Platoon for about 3 months, then became the Battalion’s Tactical Bridge Company Commander until June, ’69 when returned to Ft. Bragg and served in the Special Forces Training Group training A Team Combat Engineers.

When he was in Vietnam, Gary was attached to the 1st Marine Airwing. He flew on helicopter CH 46 SEA KNIGHT. His helicopter was shot down in February 1968 during the tet offensive.
His father John REMEIKIS fought in World War 2.
He was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. John was shot landing in France. He recovered and went on to cross the Rhine river.

Jim Jenkins served 15 months in the Philippines with the US Air Force, then spent the remainder of his 4 years with the 5th Mobile Combat Communications Group.
Upon retirement, he became a tour guide at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.

Jim’s father, Grover Jenkins served as an Army combat military policeman in Germany. His duties were directing troops as they went into battle; securing, guarding and transporting prisoners of war as well as doing patrols.